Who is this weirdo, and what is this?
I'm Adrian, and this is my website. I often think of myself as an alchemist, born a few centuries too late.
As a kid, I was so drawn to the idea of potion making, that I urged my kindergarten class to vote for the subject (as we were offered the ability to choose our own topic of study), and to my great joy, they humored me and complied. Imagine my face when that first Vinegar and Baking Soda Vesuvius blew - magic was real, and I was watching a spell being cast from a foot away.
In college, this alchemical drive stoked in me the twin passions of Physics and Bartending, the former pushing my analytical mind to its limits, and the latter allowing the historian and artist in me to relentlessly research the history of an ancient craft, and experiment with the creation of a cocktail worth drinking (while also pushing my mind to its limits).
Today, I find brewing to be a wonderfully fulfilling hobby that rewards research and the scientific method with better beer, a trophy certainly worth pursuing, but the physicist in me, the serious scientist, yearns for more trying work, a more rigorous test and use of my hard-won adamantium trying-pots, and that's where I am now - Ahab searching frantically for a goodly whale.